
Lockheed Martin receives $182 million for MH-60R Sea Hawk sonars

Pentagon’s No.1 weapons supplier Lockheed Martin Corp. was awarded a contract modification from the Naval Air Systems Command for Airborne Low Frequency Sonars (ALFS).

The contract modification, announced Tuesday by the Department of Defense, is worth more than $182 million and covers production, delivery and integration of 24 ALFSs for the government of India; eight ALFSs for the Navy and seven ALFS for the government of Denmark, into MH-60R Seahawk helicopters.

The ALFS is the primary undersea warfare sensor of the MH-60R multi-mission helicopter. This integrated dipping sonar system enables the MH-60R to accomplish the assigned ASW missions of submarine detection, tracking, localization and classification. It also performs missions relating to acoustic intercept, underwater communications and environmental data acquisition.


In May, Lockheed Martin Corp. received a $904,8 contract modification from the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command for the production of and delivery of MH-60R Seahawk maritime helicopters.

The award, announced by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on 14 May, covers the production and delivery of three MH-60R Seahawk maritime helicopters for the Navy and 21 MH-60Rs for the government of India.

Work is expected to be complete by September 2024.