
Ukraine deploys troops to Chernobyl nuclear plant

Official Kyiv has deployed more firefighters and National Guards to the Chernobyl exclusion zone to fight with fires in Pripyat.

Radioactive forest near the Chernobyl nuclear plant caught fire for the first time since 1986.

Currently, firefighters and soldiers are working to contain the forest fires burning through the territory surrounding the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Radiation levels near the fires have been elevated, with the blazes producing swirling smoke.

Firefighters are working to control the blazes burning through the irradiated forests in the territory surrounding the former nuclear plant.

The fire situation in the Exclusion Zone is difficult. Firefighters make sure that the fire does not pass to Pripyat.

The head of the Association of Chernobyl tour operators Yaroslav Yemelyanenko told about it in the comment of Censor.NET.

“No one is allowed into the area, including the media. The situation with the fire is difficult. Now, firefighting takes place through localization. This means that while one area of ​​the forest is burning, they open and flood the rest of the forest with water so that no fire breaks through. But The fire is spreading again and again throughout the center of the Chernobyl zone.Fire is actively working, but the fire does not stop.There is now strong wind, it blows sparks.Already burned part of a very radioactive Red Forest. to the west of the Chernobyl NPP. The grass burned there, the trees being burned for several meters. So, for example, if you look from the drone, the burned wood is not very different from the unburned one. But the grass litter is completely burned out and this litter raises radiation into the air, ” – he told.

According to Yemelyanenko, firefighters are on duty in Janov and check that the fire does not cross the road to the territory of the Yaniv station.

The fire had caused radiation fears in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, which is located about 60 miles south of the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Government specialists on Monday sent to monitor the situation reported that there was no rise in radiation levels in Kyiv or the city suburbs.

The country’s emergency ministry put out a warning for Kyiv on Monday about poor air quality but said it was related to meteorological conditions, and not to the fire.

The service had said on Saturday that increased radiation in some areas had led to “difficulties” in fighting the fire, while stressing that people living nearby were not in danger. On Monday, it said that gamma radiation levels had not risen near the fire.

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